Burky And Badger's Board Game Babble Show

Ep.51. Year Of Importance



Are games pushed aside because of their age? Should the year the game came out be marked proudly on the box? These are some of the things we Babble about. ***Introduction*** Incoming Kickstarters  Baby gaming Game Topper Central ***Things that make you go hmmmm*** 12:24 Bye, bye Perfect Information Podcast (snif) Sub-companies ***The good the not so bad and the ugly*** 24:15 Try and guess what new games we have played, from their description and figure out if our first impressions are good, bad or ugly.  ***Knights of Babblelot*** 40:33 We make an analysis of the game "Scythe" see if it is worthy to make it onto the round table at Babblelot  ***The Babble*** 1:09:51 We babble about the best games of 2017 You can find us at Board Game Theater page for all episodes and Board Games Everybody Should...  Like us on Facebook, Twitter or our guild on Board Game Geek Other games we talk about: Ilos, Immortal 8, Badass Force, El Dorado, Batman: Gotham City Chronicles