Burky And Badger's Board Game Babble Show

Ep.62 Very Special



In this "VERY SPECIAL" episode, King Burky travels to the south side of Babblot to join Badger, in his home. Recorded live, from France, the sound may be a little different than normal.   ***Welcome to Babblot***  Catch up on everything that we have been doing  ***Things That Make Us Go Hmmmm!*** 12:53 Ikan is delayed from Morning...again: Asmodee eat Blackfire Entertainment  ***Podcast Poll*** 22:03 What did you vote?  ***The Good, The Not So Bad & The Ugly*** 29:29 We give our first impressions of new games we have played, but can you guess what they are? And are they good, bad or ugly? ***The Babble*** 53:53 We Babble about going to the Essen Spiel together You can find us at Board Game Theater page for all episodes and Board Games Everybody Should...  Like us on Facebook, Twitter or our guild on  Board Game Geek 2248 And watch the live stream of the show here: https://youtu.be/TFo5WPxEtTo Other games we talk about: Senshi, Tudors, Coimbra, Chronicles of Crime, Risk, LEADERS: The Combined Strategy G