Burky And Badger's Board Game Babble Show

Board Game Babble 79 - Not the 2020 Awards!!!



***What’s up in Babblot*** 4:50 Dog Might installation into Game Toppers Soundtracks flowing Are you playing yet? (poll) Making lawns great again   ***PeoplesPoll*** 17:40 Where did you get your games from?   Sponsor break*** 20:04 The latest game from Arcane Wonders   ***Things that make the king go Hmmm!*** 22:00 Amazon cracking down on counterfeit board games ***The Good, The Not So Bad & The Ugly*** 26:15 First impression of game that we have played for the first time   ***Sponsor break*** 41:20 Late pledge on a Game Topper   ***The Babble*** 44:45 A look at the 2020 awards, so far… --------------------------------------- You can find us at Board Game Theater page for all episodes and Board Games Everybody Should... Like us on Facebook, Twitter or our guild on  Board Game Geek 2248 Big Thanks to Arcane Wonders and Game Toppers for their support. Music and effect by The Balance Of Power & Syrinscape And watch the live stream of the show here: https://youtu.be/66VgB087XNw   Games mentioned:   Fo