At Home With Sally

Episode #86: 10 Gifts of Heart- A Heart For Character with Sally Clarkson and Kristen Kill



Episode #86 "He who is faithful in a very little thing is faithful also in much." -Luke 16:10 " I hope I shall possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain what I consider the most enviable of all titles, the character of an honest man." -George Washington In this episode, Sally and Kristen get at the heart of godly character, and how it is cultivated, inspired and tended to in the lives of our children. They discuss how to really reach the hearts of our children when they fail (not in the heat of the moment!) and how to create opportunities in your home that invite confession and repentance. They also share some of their favorite literary examples that have helped them along the way. Their favorites are here for you to see below (if you are on itunes or receiving this via RSS feed in your email, click over to to see them all prettied up)  Then Kristen is joined by Misty Krasawski who shares how she walks side by side with her children each day, providing organic opportunities for training