Risk Everyday With Kristy Arnett

How to Move Forward When the Shit Hits the Fan #RiskEveryday



Today’s Episode: Welcome to Risk Everyday which is part of the WTF podcast. I am your host Kristy Arnett. For those of you just joining this podcast, my mission in the world is to be an inspiration who empowers people to create the lives they want. The thing that stands between what we want and have is fear. We move past fear by taking risks. If you are taking risks to get the life that you want please join us on social media and post with the hashtag #RiskEveryday. Today, I am going to talk about a moment that I have been avoiding talking about, but I think it is time. After recording the episode with Suki Sohn where she became so vulnerable and overcame a heartbreak that took her to rock bottom, inspired me to share my story. Regular listeners know about my life experience with my husband and our healing from infidelity. Things are so great now, and I am so grateful for what we have been through. It’s time for me to talk about healing and the tangible parts of moving forward during that time, and what I lea