All In Podcast With Daniel Giordano

11: Working with Zig Ziglar was just the start for Michelle Prince, recently she has been featured on Joel Osteen radio and continues to impact others with a message of productivity and power



Michelle Prince is known as a best-selling author, Zig Ziglar Motivational Speaker, business owner of multiple companies, wife of 15 years and mother of two young boys. Michelle Prince had to learn the art of juggling her personal and professional life successfully. Most people are juggling too many things, procrastinating and not getting as much done as they want, which leads to a life of frustration and unfulfilled goals. Michelle is passionate about helping people live with purpose, follow their passion and take action in big ways!     Below is a free membership to start your All-in journey!   All-in Membership : A free video course and mentoring for those who know it’s time to get off the sidelines and step up to make a difference in their lives and the thousands behind you.   Show Sponsors We are currently looking for Sponsors and Advertisers. To learn more Click Here