Get Things Done!

Overcoming Fear of Failure (Part 5)



Proverbs 16:3 says: "Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established." Our quote for today is from John Maxwell. She said: "Procrastination is too high a price to pay for fear of failure. To conquer fear, you have to feel the fear and take action anyway. Forget motivation. Just do it. Act your way into feeling, don’t wait for positive emotions to carry you forward." Today, in the Get Things Done podcast we are continuing with Part 5 of our series titled, “Overcoming Fear of Failure”. In our last episode, we talked about two ways we can combat the fear of failure: (1) Examine our fear and pinpoint the exact reason why we are afraid; (2) Determine what we would do if we were not afraid and then force ourselves to follow through with that action. Today, we will talk about another technique to overcome the fear of failure. --- Whether your failure to act is a result of fear, boredom, depression, shyness, fatigue, unwillingness to tolerate discomfort, or just plain laziness, you'll find it us