Charles Adler Tonight

The Full Show: The impact of online learning on our children, B.C.'s covid 19 vaccine success and using horses to treat mental health



Parents weigh in on the academic impact of online learning An important discussion on how our children have faired during this past school year  Guest - Kyenta  Martins - Started the Option 4 FB group for Vancouver Sch. Board parents whose kids are in that category. What the rest of us could learn from BC’s Covid vaccine success? How has B.C. gotten it right?  Guest - Dr. Danuta Skowronski - Epidemiology lead of influenza and emerging respiratory pathogens at the British Columbia Centre for Disease Control Meet this week’s Greatest Canadian who uses horses to help her clients overcome mental health struggles Meet this week's Greatest Canadian  Guest - Kerri Gaskin - Certified mental health professional; and owner of Coverdale Counselling and Consulting in New Brunswick  How does e-learning impact a kid's mental wellbeing? More on how online learning has impacted our children during the pandemic  Guest - Dr. Kelly Dean Schwartz - Associate Professor, School and Applied Child Psychology at the Univer