First Presbyterian Church Of San Anselmo

Six Great Ends of the Church: 5. The Promotion of Social Righteousness



Lessons: Amos 5:21-24; Luke 4:14-21: The promotion of social righteousness means that Christians can and should take political action to advance the coming of the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven, and it looks like this: the hungry are fed, the poor are lifted up, the naked are clothed, those caught in poverty – including the crime, poor health, lack of education and hopelessness that poverty engenders – are freed to live as God intends for us all to live.  The reason the promotion of social righteousness is one of the Great Ends of the Church is that a truly biblical faith demands it. Social  justice - concern for the poor, the condemnation of greed, welcoming the stranger and caring for the vulnerable - is one of the great and most frequent themes of the Bible.