Chapter One With Greg Grasso

Chris Pegula—From Dude to Dad



From Dude to Dad gives you the need-to-know essentials on pregnancy, birthing, and parenthood, and how it’s okay to be scared out of your mind. You’ll learn what the expecting mom is going through during each trimester, how you can be the best partner and dad-to-be, and how to immediately start bonding with baby. Pegula, creator of Diaper Dude, "hip gear for cool dads," here offers a pseudocaveman guide to pregnancy and fatherhood. His adventures in fatherhood and baby gear began with an abhorrent selection of diaper bags, whereupon he decided to take matters into his own hands. The onetime actor and dog walker was not to be deterred, however, and not only embraced parenthood fully and is now the father of three, but started his own line of baby gear (think camo). Based on the philosophy that you don't have to lose your identity after you become a dad, the author covers such masculine-focused concerns as, "Will I ever have sex again?" and ahem, "Where do I fit in?" VERDICT