Rusty Quill Gaming Podcast

RQG 197 - Sounds in the Deep



Join Alex, Helen, Bryn, Lydia, and Ben as they enter the chilling halls of Svalbard.This week Azu breaks out the marbles, Cel is super effective, Hamid scorches, and Zolf is tactically ready.Content Notes:Human remainsBody horrorUndead & zombiesPhysical violenceMentions of: death, hivemindsSFX: dripping, tinkling, electricity, explosions, metallic scraping, deep percussive soundEditing this week by Lowri Ann Davies, Tessa Vroom & Jeffrey Nils Gardner.SFX this week by timbreknight, ecfike, urupin, tosha73, steffcaffrey, dheming, Ayliffe, worthahep88, plingativator, ljudman, tommccann, themfish, OGsoundFX, Eelke, egomassive, RutgerMuller, speedygonzo, kooust, Taira Komori, "Dust Scatter, A.wav" by InspectorJ (, and previously credited artists via always, today’s game system is available for free at out our merchandise available at and our community:WEBSIT