Psychology America With Dr. Alexandra

Become More Emotionally Intelligent: A Conversation with Silja Litvin



Enjoy our conversation as we span a range of interesting topics within psychology, including: Can we increase our Emotional Intelligence (EQ) through an app? What is “Digital Cocaine?” What is happening with artificial intelligence and facial recognition, and what are the implications? Can we learn from micro expressions on the human face? How can we use technology to better ourselves psychologically? What can we learn from rejection? How can we effectively give others space when they need it? How can we manage “expectancy effect” or what other peoples’ expectations are of us? Why is accessing emotions important for making good decisions? How do stress responses cause long term physical problems? What is Integrated Psychology and how can psychological care help with medical problems? In this 10th Episode Of Psychology America I interview Silja Litvin, founder and CEO of Psych Apps and creator of eQuoo, an app designed to use games to increase emotional intelligence in adults. (To find this app search http://b