Psychology America With Dr. Alexandra

How to Forgive: with Dr. Robert Enright



Forgiving isn’t excusing or forgetting; it is a decision that gives greater physical and psychological health to the forgiver.  In this episode Dr. Enright provides profound insights into forgiveness including:*  How and why forgiveness benefits the forgiver*  Practical, proven steps on how to actually forgive*  How to forgive after being betrayed by unfaithfulness*  What five steps to take if you have been unfaithful *  What to do when the person you need to forgive is yourself*  How to forgive someone who has already died*  How to get over divorce anger*  The unexpected and beneficial effects of offering mercy to the offender*  How to prevent your own excessive anger from “living on” in your children and future generationsDr. Enright is a professor of psychology at the University of Wisconsin, Madison and the pioneer of the scientific study of forgiveness.    He is the author of seven books, including ”8 Keys to Forgiveness” and the children’s book “Rising Above the Storm Clouds: What it’s Like to Forgive.”