Lage Der Nation - Der Politik-podcast Aus Berlin

LdN159 Trump-Impeachment, Österreich-Wahlen (Interview Maria Zimmermann), Nutri-Score in Deutschland, Klimapaket



Begrüßung Lage Live in Münster Trump-Impeachment Nancy Pelosi Announces Formal Impeachment Inquiry of Trump (The New York Times) US-Demokraten starten erste Schritte für mögliche Amtsenthebung Trumps (Spiegel online) An Impeachment Inquiry Begins (The Daily) Joe Bidens ukrainischer Albtraum (Spiegel online) How the Impeachment Process Work (The New York Times) Transcript: Trumps Call With the Ukrainian President (The New York Times) True Ask Ukraines Leader to Do Us a Favorand Also Urges Inquiry of Biden (The New York Times) Maas' Allianz gegen Alleingänge (Süddeutsche Zeitung) James Felton (Twitter) Kurt Volker, Trump`s Envoy For Ukraine, Resigns (The New York Times) You can’t be ‘impartial’ about racism – an open letter to the BBC on the Naga Munchetty ruling (The Guardian)White House Classified Computer System Is Used to Hold Transcripts of Sensitive Calls (The New York Times) Document: Read the WhistleBlower Complaint (The New York Times) Why the Trump Impeachment Inquiry Is the Only Option