Bragging On Jesus

Proverbs 13:25 KF An Appetite Satisfied



Proverbs 13:25 The righteous has enough to satisfy his appetite, but the belly of the wicked suffers want. I have like most people appetites mostly related to food. How many times a day do I replace whatever I was doing or thinking about with thoughts of a meal, a snack, that leftover dessert, drink, or just something sweet or salty. Our appetite for food is a powerful basic need that is never completely satisfied. Like our need for food, we have other appetites including: comfort, safety, power, control, security, relationship, rest, adventure, fun, and love. I find that those appetites are never completely satisfying either. My comfortable chair seems too high or too low. That adventure I really want to do may cause physical injury, wanting more power or control may come at a high price of sacrifice, and loss of control may lead to feelings of insecurity or desperation. Maybe the goal is to live somewhere in the middle of each of these appetites? But even that seems like we might be missing