Our Common Ground With Janice Graham

“Aligning Black Policy Priorities Into the Game of Electoral Politics”



“Aligning Black Policy Priorities Into the Game of Electoral Politics” Guest: Professor Willie Legette Political Systems Analyst and Organizer Professor Emeritus of Political Science, South Carolina State University; Lead Organizer, Medicare for All-South Carolina; Labor Party candidate for SC Senate; Common Dreams contributor We talk with Professor Willie Legette, political analyst, as to how we might resolve the conflicts and problems of voting for who we "like", votes that are often divorced from policies that address our political, economic, and community needs. Are we voting electoral race politics and needing class-basis policies? Just how does the "Black vote" calculate? A whole new way of thinking is required. That and a "resistance campaign" against voter suppression. Every period of our history has taught America something about its own failings, and us about the righteousness of our struggle. Without Black struggle Americans would not be faced with ideals of democracy.  "Transforming Truth t