Movies N Sh*t

Episode 38: Our Happy Place… Talkin’ Movies



This time on Movies N Shit, the boys reminisce about the pre-COVID, golden era of Adam Sandler before discussing Movies They’ve Seen (10:00) since last time.  TV Talk includes thoughts on the sobering Allen vs Farrow documentary as well as a brief discussion about superheroes and aliens (30:00).  Entertainment News (41:11) kicks off with the reopening of Movie Theaters in LA!  Enjoy a brief recap of the Golden Globe winners (53:16), if you want to, but honestly, who cares?  Then it’s on to the most personal Guess That Rotten Tomato Score yet, Kelly’s Childhood Toys Edition (1:02:41).  As always, things wrap up with a pair of Hidden Gems (1:12:42).  Due to time restraints, an in depth discussion about the Lord of the Rings reunion with Stephen Colbert has been rescheduled for episode 39.  Stay tuned.