Miss Kat Mae

Coparenting Part II: Recap of our trip to the bay and how I traveled with a toddler safely



How I got Harley to wear a mask safely on our trip | Traveling with a toddler | Preparing a toddler for transitioning to the other parent in long-distant coparenting | What I packed | Why communication -Aka- Explaining things to a toddler is always worth it! | Coparenting the best you can and parenting the best you can = 100% means also work on yoself! The “Inner Work” | Why recognizing our own triggers is important in becoming better parents | It’s time to Ask For Help when we need it, heal, learn, unlearn, grow! And continue to work on ourselves as parents! | Definitely a fun listen if you plan to travel, or have kids, or plan to have kids, or even understand more about parenting and toddlers! Tune in now ❤️.