Touching Lives With Dr. James Merritt

Just Perfect



How often have you ever slipped up, made a mistake, blew it, and said, “Well nobody’s perfect!” Well, that statement technically isn’t true. There is one person who was perfect in every area of life. From His thoughts, to His words, to His deeds, He was absolutely and pristinely perfect. However, if Jesus wasn’t perfect, if He wasn’t sinless and instead sinned like everyone else, then several things would be true of Him. If this He wasn’t perfect, then Jesus was not who He said He was. If He was not who He said He was, then He could not have done what He said He did. If He didn’t do what He said He did, then there is no hope for anyone being delivered from sin and having a relationship with God. If Jesus sinned, He couldn’t be the Savior. And if He is not the Savior, we cannot have salvation.