Wood Mackenzie

Romania is considering higher taxes for Black Sea projects



The Romanian Parliament will spend the rest of 2018 reviewing the new Offshore Law that President Iohannis rejected in August. The proposed extra revenue tax on gas remains the main concern for offshore operators. Wood Mackenzie’s upstream and petroleum taxation experts – Adam Meredith (adam.meredith@woodmac.com) and Aleks Popovics (aleksandrs.popovics@woodmac.com) – discuss some of the key takeaways from our recent report “Romania is considering higher taxes for Black Sea projects”. You may be interested in the following reports: https://www.woodmac.com/reports/upstream-oil-and-gas-romania-is-considering-higher-taxes-for-black-sea-projects-25797 https://www.woodmac.com/reports/upstream-oil-and-gas-neptun-deep-domino-and-pelican-sud-13946966 https://www.woodmac.com/reports/upstream-oil-and-gas-ana-and-doina-7652695