

Welcome to Kessler Foundations 2017 Multiple Sclerosis consumer conference, Improving Cognitive, Emotional, & Physical Health in Multiple Sclerosis This conference is hosted by Kessler Foundation and is being funded by the National Multiple Sclerosis Society (Grant #1508-05940) Opening Remarks and Introduction from NMSS local chapter were shared by Dr. Lauren Strober and Moyra Rondon. Dr Strober is the conference coordinator, and senior research scientist at Kessler Foundation and is an expert in the field of quality of life in people with MS. Her research focuses on secondary complications of MS. Dr. Strober explores how factors specific to the individual, such as personality and coping skills, impact quality of life and employment. Moyra Rondon, LCSW, is manager of program implementation and community engagement at the New Jersey Metro Chapter of the National MS Society. She is responsible for bringing wellness and educational programs that meet the needs of people with MS and their families. In he