Kessler Foundation Disability Rehabilitation Research And Employment

Volunteering Has Given Us Both a Purpose - 2020 BIANJ honoree Jane and Joe Concato



Chatting with Kessler Foundation-affiliated honoree at the Brain Injury Alliance of New Jersey (BIANJ) Virtual Gala: Jane and Joe Concato Transcript: While the world has been reeling from the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a little bit of levity and light for the brain injury community in New Jersey on March 26th. The Brain Injury Alliance of NJ (BIANJ) had its first-ever annual gala in a virtual format via Facebook and YouTube, complete with speeches, awards, and music. At Kessler Foundation, we were exceptionally proud that one of this year's awards went to individuals closely associated with our organization. The Volunteer Service Champion designation went to our longtime research participants and advisory board members Jane & Joe Concato in honor of their service to the brain injury community in North Jersey. Dr. Nancy Chiaravalloti, Director of the Cent