Kessler Foundation Disability Rehabilitation Research And Employment

Mobile App for Collecting Data on Real-Time Experiences among Stroke Caregivers - Dr. Peii Chen-Ep8



Fast Takes - Episode 8 Kessler Foundation Pilot Study Incorporates Mobile App for Collecting Data on Real-Time Experiences, toward the Goal of Real-Time Intervention Strategies Read the transcript at “The stress of caring for stroke survivors can affect the mental and physical health of caregivers and lead to decline in quality of life. These negative effects can be exacerbated when recovery is complicated by spatial neglect, a common but hidden disability that affects 30% to 50% of survivors. Spatial neglect increases the risk for falls, prolongs hospitalization, and impedes rehabilitation outcomes,” explained Dr. Chen, “and complicates the job of caregiving provided by family members. Documenting stress levels and triggers is essential to developing interventions that lower stress and burden among family caregivers.” In this episode, I spoke with Dr. Peii Che