Sex Out Loud With Tristan Taormino

Intimacy, Embodiment and The Nervous System with Dr. Alison Ash



Sex and intimacy coach and educator Dr. Alison Ash joins Tristan Taormino to talk about desire, intimacy, embodiment and caring for our nervous systems. We discuss the power of both desire and sexual shame and how to confront both. She covers some basics about how our nervous systems work, defines embodiment, and offers strategies for nervous system care. We talk about how to respond to stresses, triggers, and emotional dysregulation in ourselves and our partners. She explores why embodiment and nervous system care are important for creating and sustaining healthy intimacy and relationships. Dr. Alison Ash is a trauma-informed sex and intimacy coach and educator, lecturer at Stanford University, author, and founder of A champion for others overcoming shame and deepening pleasure, Dr. Ash helps her clients experience the kinds of sexual interactions and romantic relationships they long for.     As a sociologist with a PhD from Stanford, Dr. Ash has a comprehensive understanding of the complex soci