Summer Rayne Oakes Conversations

Zoë Tryon: From British High Society to Shamanic Journeys into the Amazon



Since 2006, Zoë Tryon has lived and worked with the Achuar, Shuar, Kichwa and Waorani peoples in the Ecuadorian Amazon and Andes. "Living in a tribal community, there is no "I" in team. You're accountable there," she says. "Every behavior that I do there can affect another person."Given her privileged upbringing in Wiltshire, England, she admits that she "still feels like an outsider" in the Amazon. Of course, she says, there are "always amusing moments when I feel a really part of it and connected…and then I'm like, 'Noooo. Not at all.'" That being said, she comments that, "At the end of the day, we are one tribe, we are one species."Tune into this podcast to hear her explorations through the Amazon; her fight for the people of the area; and her charming stories -- from her fashion faux pas in the Amazon to her run-in with a crocodile.To view more Conversations, visit and follow @sroakes on Twitter.(This episode will be the third of five final podcasts before a major revamp of SRO Convers