Kris Steinnes

Vajra Ma and Sharlyn Hidalgo



Vajra MaTantric Dance of Feminine Power ~ Womb-Sourced Wisdom We will learn a practice of spontaneous flow of wisdom mudras sourced from the womb and emanating through the subtle body. In this dance we do not seek to "generate" energy from technique or effort. In constant presence to sensation, natural breath and heart-opening devotion, with exquisite receptivity to pleasure, we rest in reverence and allow ourselves to taste the living reality: Goddess as our innermost Self. Afflictive emotions and energy patterns may dissolve. Saturated with movement of Her Bliss, we return to our natural state of creativity and joy. Sharlyn HidalgoCeltic Circle ~ Wisdom Teachings from the TreesWalk in the footsteps of the ancient ancestors of the British Isles and tune into the sacred power and ancient wisdom of the trees. Explore Celtic Cosmology and learn about the Celtic Wheel of the Year. We will learn the trees of the Celtic Tree Calendar, Alphabet, and their deities, totems, and guides. Learn how to cultivate relat