Op2 Talk With Bill Crespo

Melissa Woodward - Founder of "For The Sake Of One"



Melissa K. Woodward - Sex trafficking survivor, For The Sake of One founder and executive director and spokesperson for National Child ID Program.   To prevent, rescue and bring freedom and healing to underage children of Domestic Sex Trafficking. Their Vision : For the Sake of One reaches out to girls and boys ages 11-17 who have been victims of Domestic Sex Trafficking to ignite, confidence, courage and inner strength within them as we provide the love, protection and guidance these children so desperately need and deserve in order to heal from the injustice and unspeakable abuse they have endured. Their Philosophy : FSO believes all children are a gift from God and each has been created with a unique purpose. With love and service, we know these children can succeed and lead productive lives. Sex trafficking is a global concern and we applaud the organizations who’s focus is to aid all children. Although we are painfully aware of the global problem, there is also a substantial and immediate need in A