Dr Karin Love & Life

Rewire Your Brain to Heal from Trauma! with Neuropsychologist Dr. Rhonda Freeman Ep. 112



We’ve all been there—we got knocked down and we’re trying our best to recover but we feel stuck. We find it hard to feel happy. We sink into depressed moods. We’ve lost our joy and even worse, we wonder, can I ever get back to my former self?  Well, according to neuropsychologist, Dr. Rhonda Freeman, we absolutely can!  Join us to learn how to: ·    pivot away from ruminating thoughts—which psych research shows are related to depression. ·    activate the regions of your brain that will bring you healing and peace post trauma! ·    journal in a manner that activates your prefrontal cortex—and why this is imperative. ·    get your brain to think rationally again by quieting the limbic system and activating the frontal lobe. ·    rewire your brain to get it back to its “pre-trauma” balance. We say it every week on Love & Life, “Take charge of your thoughts. Take charge of your life!”  And now, thanks to Dr. Freeman, we