Dr Karin Love & Life

Turn Toward Anxiety to Heal! with Psychotherapist Linda Ruvalcaba Ep. 113



According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, anxiety disorders affect 40 million adults (18.1% of the population). The ADAA asserts, “anxiety disorders are highly treatable, yet only 36.9% of those suffering receive treatment.”  Psychotherapist Linda Ruvalcaba understands anxiety—both from a clinical perspective and from personal experience!  She endured anxiety’s terrifying grip after a horribly painful breakup. Anxiety permeated her life—the physical symptoms and intrusive thoughts not only made it difficult for her to focus on personal concerns, they also impaired her ability to work with her therapy clients.  She realized avoiding anxiety only reinforced its hold on her.  She could no longer run away; she needed to lean into it.  Join us to hear how Linda found healing by facing anxiety head on—and as a bonus, she found herself! Linda Ruvalcaba Website: https://www.latinxtherapistsactionnetwork.org/linda-ruvalcaba  Dr. Karin Website: https://loveandlifemedi