Dr Karin Love & Life

S5 Bonus: Finding Gratitude to Find Joy (Even While Living with Chronic Illness) Ep. 114



Recently, I asked my newsletter community if anyone wanted to share an encouraging and empowering story on the podcast. Quin Taylor (one of my former students from Chicago State University) answered the call, agreeing to speak about living with a chronic illness. She describes how intentionally focusing on gratitude allows her to maintain a positive, empowered perspective in the midst of daily physical challenges. Quin shares: · How to move from grieving the life you were “supposed” to live to celebrating the life you’re “purposed” to live! · How to avoid wallowing in bitterness because, as Quin puts it, we can stay stuck in bitterness but “nothing really changes.” · Her powerful mantra—“I declare and decree today will be amazing.  Amazing things are happening to and for me and I will do amazing things!” ·  The freedom of falling in love with your authentic self—even when that entails a chronic illness. Quin describes herself as a “gratitude enthusiast!” Join us to up your gratitude game this Thanks