Rsa Events

How to Be an Anti-Racist Educator



In recent months, the Black Lives Matter movement has heightened public consciousness of the extent to which racial injustice is embedded in all aspects of our society.As a new term begins, many teachers will be returning to the classroom with a renewed commitment to practising active anti-racism in their school community.But what does it take to make that commitment real? From behaviour to curriculum, what needs to be challenged, confronted, re-created? What tools and resources are available? And what is missing, overlooked, or denied?RSA education director Laura Partridge is joined by Zahra Bei and Rodeane Henry-Grant, Coalition of Anti-Racist Educators; Sarah Brownsword, lecturer in education, UEA; and Daniel Kebede, senior vice-president, NEU, to share perspectives on what we need now to turn the discourse of anti-racism into the practical, sustained, everyday actions that will be vital to securing a fair education for everyone.  #RSAeducation Further ReadingExplore RSA Fair Education projects:https://www