All In With Natalie Allport

Passion & Effort | Less Hating & More Celebrating



YouTube: Instagram: #TheAllInProject: Grow your business: -------------------- SUMMARY: -------------------- My message to everyone young and old, effort is cool. Being passionate is cool. Trying hard at things is cool. It will get you places. So ignore the haters, and keep doing you. Growing up I was bullied for having big goals, for calling my shot, and for being passionate about whatever I put my mind to. This can easily hold many of us back, and it's time to say who the f*ck cares. Do what makes you happy and ignore the rest. Don't let anyone stop you from chasing after your dreams or starting something new. The same people who once made fun of me for saying I wanted to be a pro snowboarder followed me and shared my success once I made it... the same people who made fun of my podcast started one of their own... so just do you! -------------------- ABOUT NATALIE --------------------