Westminster Presbyterian Church, Alexandria Va

How Did We Get Here?



"I wrote this sermon title--How Did We Get Here?--after the explosion in New York, after the bags were found in New Jersey, after the mall in Minnesota…in coming across vitriol being spewed against my Muslim brothers and sisters…with the image of refugees and their children scrolling across my mind. I wrote this sermon title--How Did We Get Here?--thinking about all the ways language is being used to hurt…before I watched a video about a town in West Virginia, a forgotten place largely comprised of poor whites trying to find their voice in the conversation of the day. I wrote this sermon title before the violence of this particular week unfolded: before the stories of two more black men, this time in Tulsa and Charlotte, killed at the hands of law enforcement. How did we get here?" Casey FitzGerald preaches today from Luke 16:19-31.