Colette Marie Stefan

Tails From The Vector: TRAUMA QUEEN - Fight or Flight



Join Colette and her dragons today! We love hearing from you - call 1-800-930-2819!Watch LIVE on FB! Go to: TRAUMA QUEEN LXII FIGHT OR FLIGHT There are five fundamental traumas that are most often re-enacted throughout peoples lives; abandonment, abuse, betrayal, denial, and rejection. Trauma is not necessarily trauma that people have experienced from someone else. It can also bring up residual memories of traumatizing others, of witnessing traumatic scenarios, and even of encouraging someone else to traumatize self Insignificant events such as a smell, a siren, a visit to the doctor or dentist, accountant, lawyer, principal, being stopped for a traffic violation by a police officer, etc. can re-open a can of worms. Even watching television broadcasts of natural disasters as well as man-made disasters, via the news, movies, commercials, etc., can trigger deep, long-held traumas to rise to the surface. If you are bothered by someone (something) place this