Colette Marie Stefan

Nuggets of Wizdom from The Queen of Shift - DAILY ROUTINE



NUGGET OF WIZDOM FROM THE VECTOR - DAILY ROUTINE TAKE THE TIME EVERY MORNING, BEFORE GETTING OUT OF BED TO STRENGTHEN YOUR DAY BY PUTTING TENSION INTO YOUR SPINE AND FEELING YOUR HEARTBEAT. RECONNECT TO SOURCE. GET INTO THE FLOW WITH SPIRIT AND MAXIMIZE YOUR ABILITY TO ACCESS INFINITE POTENTIAL. IF THERE IS ANYTHING THAT HAS BEEN DEEMED IMPORTANT ON THE AGENDA FOR THE DAY, FEEL IT AND CLEAR ANY CONCERNS BEFORE YOU GET OUT OF BED AND YOUR FEET HIT THE FLOOR. Often people are also affected by the lack of a daily routine, such as when they are out of work, on strike, about to take a holiday, children are out of school, etc. No matter how challenging, every day is a gift. Remember that challenges are disguised as problems just waiting to spin into opportunities. You are co-creating your reality along with the universe. Be aware of your subconscious, unconscious and conscious thoughts. Strengthen congruency between all three by clearing any psychic and spiritual energies. Send weak thoughts out to a black whole