Shot By Brock

Ep. 22 Michelle Butler: Mindfulness, Neuroplasticity and Taking Ownership Of Your Life



When we have a thought or carry out an action, we create a connection between neurons in our brains. If we repeat that action or thought, then the connection gets stronger. And the more we do this, the more we literally wire our brains in favour of that behaviour or action.  If our thoughts are negative or undermining, then we move closer to creating beliefs that don’t serve us. If our actions don’t work in our favour, then we move closer to developing habits that can harm us. And considering that we usually think the same things, and follow the same patterns of behaviour, day in and day out, it’s not surprising that we get stuck into ways of thinking, beliefs and actions that, at best, don’t serve us and, at worst, actually harm us. But, as I discovered during my conversation with mindfulness practitioner Michelle Butler, if we change our routine and our thoughts, and introduce practices that are different to the harmful habits we normally follow, we can undo this mental wiring. We can literally reprogram