Gems Of Wisdom With Teresa Maron

Gems of Wisdom-Cultivating Joy



Join host Teresa Maron today with special guest Lauren Santerre who will share her tips on how to Cultivate Joy! you long for a real conversation about spiritual growth and healing in a supportive environment? Do you want to access this at your convenience, easy to fit into your over scheduled lifestyle? Gems of Wisdom is a podcast, featuring programs to educate, support and enrich your body, mind and soul. Our community of featured hosts, facilitators and expert guests is a Soul Sanctuary for women, a rich resource of sharing, from a diverse, thoughtful and caring group of wise women. Contact TeresaToday we are going to focus on 3 steps to cultivate joy developed by Spiritual Director Lauren Santerre.Lauren knows from her Spiritual direction practice that many of us find living in the present challenging. We want to be in a different place than we are right now.Her Gem of Wisdom for us is:"As I get older in years, I am learning how to embrace my imperfections, laugh mo