Straw Into Gold

Everything is Relational: art that connects people



What is Relational Art?How is it different from other forms of art and how is it different fromdaily life itself? Relational as a term applied to art indicates anendeavor where the artist provides a context for human interaction,where human interaction itself is the medium of the art piece. Somewould saythis kind of art is saving the human race. In this episode, a panel ofrelational artists will discuss why relational art is so important inour times.Invitations to participate in Relational Artprojects: Here is the number to God's AnsweringMachine: (800) 871-9012 x 3176632#. Call now and leave amessage. Say what you will and pass it on.Fifty-Cent Admissions: Pleasecall 646-462-4161ext. 43350 and answer the question: "Whatis something you don't like to admit about yourself?".Hear what others are saying here and here.First Childhood Memory Project: Whatis your earliest childhood memory? In your first language,please write your name, your age at the time of your first memory, thetown and country in which it took