Straw Into Gold

What's it worth? The potential of bartering and re-use in the business of art.



What if the value of your artwork, goods or services was basedentirely on what someone was willing to trade for it? How would thatchange the materials you chose or the way you do business? How wouldthat change your relationship with your community? What might theripple effects of a barter-based system be in the art world? Today we are joined by artistsKathryn Kenworth and Sasha Petrenko who have created Non*Mart,a temporary design studio and shop in San Francisco to explorealternatives to consumerism and develop more relational, lesscommercial means of economic exchange. As always, wewelcome call-in questions at(347) 855-8744. As mentioned on the show: • Non*Mart's Holiday Stop & Swap isthis Saturday 12/19/09 from 2-7pm. • The San Francisco Dump has an amazing Artist-in-Residencyprogram. The last orientation of the year for artistsinterested in applying in this Saturday morning. Note:You must RSVP! • Leave a message on God's AnsweringMachine: 800-871-9012 x 3176632#. Say what you willand pass it on. :: Ph