Roberta's Pearls

Here I Am With My Best Friend!



Well, it was real treat this month to have my best friend Gay Franks join me in making this podcasty. She is just one of those long time friends that I can't get rid of. Oh, and my nephew Tim drops by with some things I asked him to pick me up at the store as well while we were recording. My house is the hub of social activity for my neighborhood! I think you will be very impressed with how I demonstrate my knowledge in helping my dear Gay work through some nasty feelings. Remember emotion is about MOTION! I think someone famous said that- but you are welcome to give me credit. Now remember dear I AM HEAR FOR YOU, and would would love to assist you in any way possible, so drop me a note and I'll be happy to give you some advice to lighten up your life. Do you remember that song by Debby Boone? "You Lighten Up My Life?" That was a lovely song wasn't it? You know she wasn't singing to a boyfriend, she was singing to God and that's why it is so lovely. Listen to this and it will make your day