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#011 - Dr. Hisham makes great waffles



Dr. Hisham Mubarak have always put his family first no matter what. Everything was on the line when he decided to move his whole family to Malaysia a few years back for a career opportunity. In a few weeks time, Dr. Hisham and his family are all moving back to Germany and the nomad life has a chance to be put on hold for a little while. With the help of his lovely wife, Tasniem: The kids, Abi, Lina and Amin are all growing up into unforgeable talents. On this episode, we talked about, coffee, kids, what he thinks of Malaysia and how human's perpective can change with the presence of money, also what he refer to as "Energy." Tune in for full video @ Youtube.com/milofaeqo. New freshly baked episode every Friday. https://instagram.com/27_ghz