Meier Clinics Podcast

Anniversary Illnesses and Emotions Part 1 with Dr. Paul Meier



Join Dr. Paul and Kristin Walker talking about how certain times in our life that are stressful can show up later on. Dates of stressful events can leave us feeling a lot of anxiety and we don't necessarily understand why. Episode 1 of 2!Notes from Dr. Paul Meier: NORMAL BRIEF GRIEF. My father died many years ago and I was with him when he died talking to him and it was a wonderful experience even though sad to lose him. I have dealt with it well I believe. One Christmas Day a few years after his death, I was excited to go wake up our young kids to open presents and have an exciting day together, but then I felt suddenly sad for no apparent reason and couldn’t figure out why. I went into a room by myself and prayed for insight and immediately became aware that my parents always came at Christmas mornings to open presents with us. My Mom was still alive and would be there soon, but my Dad wouldn’t and I missed him. I actually encouraged myself to cry and did so for about two minutes and prayed that God would s