He Said, She Said

She Said, He Said - 11/7/20 - Segment 2



Kelley and Gordon are joined by El Monstero bassist Kevin Gagnepain, who joins the show to discuss the Glimmer or Normalcy concert series at the Pageant in the St. Louis Loop this December. Later, Chefs Ryan Hansen and Reid Webster are on the show to talk about Full Tank, Empty Stomach.com. Later, Matinee Chat and Delicious Scoop.El Monstero's Official Website: https://www.elmonstero.com/El Monstero at The Pageant: https://www.thepageant.com/artist/el-monstero/Full Tank, Empty Stomach: https://www.fulltankemptystomach.com/Matinee Chat: https://matineechat.com/