Dr. Roni Deluz

The Sugar Connection to Cancer



Often times the link between obesity and cancer is overlooked. Childhood obesity has tripled since the 1980's leading to higher rates of illness in the next generation! Fat tissue can interfere with the effectiveness of many cancer treatments. Sugar and processed foods high in sugar create chronic inflammation which also is linked to high rates of cancer risk. So where does detox fit in? What is the answer? How can people lose weight to save their lives? Remove sugar from their diets and so greatly change their lifestyle to prevent serious illness? Is it too late for someone who has lived unhealthily for years to change and reverse any long term damage? What options are available to people who cannot take time off to do a retreat on site and want to detox at home? What kind of support is available? Is detoxing safe for someone who is morbidly obese? Dr Roni is going to address the link between obesity and cancer. Since sugar causes inflammation leading to cancer and other serious chronic illnesses, Dr Roni wi