Stephen J. Kosmyna

Power of Assumption - Neville



"All transformation begins with an intense, burning desire to be transformed." - Neville I continue our deep dive into Neville's Power of Awareness with a look at Chapter Three - Power of Assumption. There is so much gold in this episode! If you are ready to step into the life you would love to live, it starts right here, right now with this episode. "Man's chief delusion is his conviction that there are causes other than his own state of consciousness." - Neville Everyone gets trapped in this delusion at some point in their life and unfortunately most remain shackled to this delusion for their entire lifetime. He's really talking about not taking responsibility for one's own results. We often play the victim of circumstances, the blame game and point to something outside of us as being responsible for our condition of living with less than all we feel called to be, do and have in our lifetime. In this episode we learn what is ours to do to make the necessary shift and begin our transformation into our idea