Igniting Imagination With Nellie Jacobs

Episode 27-Starring YOU!! Turning Your Passion into Products & Services



This is the second show with this special format. Current and future entrepreneurs participate in this special Broadcast!! Co-Host: Derrick Hayes. Entrepreneurs from all over North Americal and offshore share their stories in 3/4 minutes, tell the audience their name, what they do, what product(s) and/or service(s) they offer that developed as a result of their passion, how they came about to create it/them, their target market, how they market and their contact information/website. Future entrepreneurs call to ask questions re ideas or inspiration about creatively turning their passions into products or services. Nellie reads several of the scores of inspiring submissions she's received so far. If you haven't already done it, through Nellie's website send in your stories answering the questions above or making your request. Nellie might read them or contact you about appearing on future shows, or for permission to include you and your story, product/service in an upcoming book about mining creativity.