Kelly M. Ballard

Loved-Ones & Spirit Guides, Who's Working With Us?



Have you ever wondered what happens to your loved-ones when they pass away? Where do their souls go and are they still able to see what’s happening in our lives? And who or what exactly are these “Spirit Guides” that are shaping our experiences? Our Loved-Ones and Spirit Guides are always with us and today we’ll talk about the many ways they help us, make themselves present in our lives, and guide us to be the best we can be each and every day. As the host, Kelly Ballard will lead an insightful and healing discussion to explore the amazing ways these great beings work alongside us. Kelly will also take callers at the midway point of our show, to tap into one of your loved-ones or Spirit Guides who are on the other side. Please call in at 1-800-930-2819, Kelly will try to reach as many people as possible with messages!