Psychedelics Today




In today’s Solidarity Fridays episode, Kyle and Joe have a discussion about spirituality and spiritual development.  Joe was rubbed the wrong way by a podcast he recently listened to where a previously very psychedelic-oriented Qabalist said that psychedelics didn't really help with spiritual growth. This leads to a discussion built on many questions: what is spiritual development? What is enlightenment? Does drug-taking always need a set intention based on growth? Do "I need a break from bullshit" or "I want to have fun with my friends" count as intentions? And who are we worried will discredit or judge us for having those be our intentions or keys to spiritual development?  They also touch on religion and their embedded spiritual goals, the importance and power of the communal aspect of some of these experiences, the community that church brings to people and what's changing as more people move away from religion, hypnosis and the dangers of inaccurate or entirely fabricated "memories," the importance of di