Rugby Pickem

A Christmas Flurry (of Content)



Happy Holidays Rugby PickEm Family! This has been an astoundingly crazy year. Lives were turned upside down, and the game of rugby will forever be changed in some way shape or form. We hope more than anything that players can return to playing the game they love, and that rugby returns in the US in a safe and timely fashion. It's been nearly 40 days since we last published something for you, but we have been busy arranging content for the entire Christmas week heading into the new year. Over the next few days, we're releasing a flurry of content (snow pun) that will help you fill the hours spent either lying on the couch and perpetually eating, travelling long hours in a car, or simply browsing through your computer or phone looking for something to listen to. You'll hear our 2020 Rugby PickEm Awards (the RPA's) show, where Uncle Johnny, Tommy No Piks & Bt selected rugby media awards for the faithful rugby bloggers and podcasters who covered an incredibly challenging season. We had 3 recipients receive th