Rugby Pickem

2020 Voicemail Extravaganza (the Callers Make The Show)



Paddy From Providence - 0:35 Hey boys, Patty from Providence. Hey was scrolling through the old Instagram the other day and right between Hannah Palmer and Jenna Frumes. You know who I'm talking about. So I saw a little post about the Hartford Harpooners. Look, Providence and Harford have a have a long standing rivalry as "New England's Second City", but I'd love to see some some more local rugby. Have you seeing any other random teams popping up here and there? I hope you had a good Thanksgiving and happy holidays. Talk to you soon. Who are the Hartford Harpooners? It appears (as of now), that they're simply a single player signing, a confirmed home stadium, and that's about it. *Update* - Since recording, The Hartford Harpooners have signed their SECOND player, High Performance Management founder (and player journeyman) Matt Hughston. Matt has a distinguished player career, Captaining the USA South Panthers in addition to earning caps from the Ohio Aviators, Nola Gold, Rugby United New York and Old Glo